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The Men of Saint Joseph (MSJ) is a group of men from all over the country who have been coming together biweekly on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. for the last several years. The group found its pace during some of the darkest days of the pandemic when many Catholic men felt cut off and isolated. The miracles of technology provided an opportunity to come together easily every few weeks for prayer, fellowship, and encouragement. Many found the spiritual group a welcome antidote to the isolation of the pandemic world. And after the world began to return to normal, the men stuck with the unique format because they still wanted the spiritual benefits of prayer, learning, and sharing with other men.
The priests and brothers from the Shrine of Saint Joseph (Stirling, NJ) initially encouraged the group to begin meeting and offered valuable support along the way. Their vision of an active Catholic laity was forged by the founder of the Shrine, Fr. Thomas Judge, CM, and continues today in countries around the world.
Today, a group of about 30 men (give or take) -- many from Northern New Jersey and others joining from across the country -- still come together remotely on Tuesday mornings. We share a desire to grow in our relationship with Christ and the Church. We discuss topics such as prayer, the Church, family, leisure, evangelization, and the Catholic spiritual life. Covering topics via series format allows us to go deeper than if we had a different topic each session. Each meeting features a brief presentation followed by small group discussions. Meetings are always completed by 8:00 a.m.
Many of us have found the meetings have had a tremendous impact on our lives – at home, in our marriages and families, and even at work. When asked about positive changes in their lives they attribute to MSJ, participants responded with the following:
• My marriage has benefited
• My role as a father has improved
• I’m more generous with my time and money
• My faith is more integrated into my work
Others said they pray, read scripture, and attend Mass more frequently. Some have returned to Confession, while others share their faith more confidently. Some have even begun spiritual direction.
Many participants appreciate the spiritual content, noting the “quality of the speakers” and “thought-provoking presentations by clergy and scholars.” Others relish the connections with other Christian men during small group sessions – “sharing experiences with brothers of a similar mindset,” “relating with where other men struggle in living out their faith,” and enjoying Christian fellowship. They say it's led to a better understanding of Catholicism and an interest in opportunities for service. They return, hungry for more. “The only thing I would change is increased frequency,” noted one participant.
If you know men who would benefit from this kind of experience, it’s simple to join. Contact Mike St. Pierre to join the email list, and you’ll be updated as new series are announced: Then join the next discussion and see if you experience these benefits for yourself. You are welcome in the Men of Saint Joseph.